Sitting in the pick up line

I’m here in the car waiting for my daughter to get out of school. Are there any other mom’s out there that enjoy this quiet time as much as I do?

I can sit in complete silence or listen to my music, or talk on the phone witout little ears. It’s blissful.

Ok, follow up from my last post. I made the all fruit fruit roll ups for my kids. These are so easy, I felt guilty for buying the processed ones for so long. I mean you blend up your fruit and sugar or honey, pour into pan, cook on 170 all day basically. And P loved them. My boy wouldn’t try, he’s in a texture phase.

As far as the other recipes, I did make instant pot back beans and rice for the bowls. But the tuna wraps I haven’t tried yet. You know how life gets busy and we get lazy? That happened.

We’ve also been passing around a stomach virus and it finally got me. When you are truly sick even getting the kids to school can push you over the edge. Anyone relate? But, along with help from my dad, I only had to get my boy to daycare, my dad aka Coach, hasn’t mastered the car seat yet 🤣

Upon arriving I’m handed this lovely letter

Yes, you have the rest of the week to find a new daycare… Arghhhh, but life goes on. One door closes and another opens…

Stay tuned for more on the daycare drama. I hear it made the local news!

Forcing a healthier lifestyle

Yes, I am actually forcing myself and my kids to live a healthier lifestyle this summer. I, myself, have struggled with my weight my entire life and I now have a daughter following in my footsteps.

The discussion I had with P (my almost 8 year old daughter) consisted of…

Me: we have to change what we eat so we can be healthier

P: so no more fast foods?

Me:pretty much

P: that’s gonna be hard and you hate your kitchen.

And she’s so right. I hate my tiny apartment kitchen with no storage. I bitch every single time I’m cooking. There is no counter space and I have either a 2 year old boy or a 12 year old shitzhu tripping me up. The struggle is real, y’all.

But, I’ve resigned myself to changing a few things at a time. So, this weekend I’ll be attempting healthy homemade fruit roll ups and strawberry oat bars for healthier kid snacks or desserts. Both of these recipes claim to be easy and tasty. I will let you all know if the reviews ring any truth to them!

For myself, I’m meal prepping my lunches this week to replace the humdrum saga of Whataburger, chick fil a, and Taco Bell.

I went through a few years where I took really good care of myself, ate healthy and never missed a gym session. Man, I felt good then. Baby #2 totally threw me off track and I’ve never been able to get back on.

Back to my meal prep for lunches. This week I’m grilling chicken breasts to make Mexican rice bowls – this is a go to for me. However, I’m trying a new spicy tuna wrap also. It has carrots, cucumbers, avocado, and tuna with siracha sauce in it. Not exactly a spicy tuna roll, but we’ll try it!

There are thousands of weight loss blogs out there, I swear this one will not be one of them. It’s just where my head is at for the moment!!

The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining us!

This blog may not appeal to you if you’ve never single parented or you cannot find the humor and sadness in single parenting.

This journey I’ve been on for the last 8 years has been the hardest thing I’ve ever done, and it’s no where near being over. But I’m making the best of it and want to take some of you on the ride with me through this blog!

I hope you’ll enjoy it, take something from it, give me something to add to it! Be honest in comments, but not judgemental!

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton